Yet another victorious outcome at GAFTA Arbitration court in favor of AGA Partners' Client

This process was very labour intensive and time taking and lasted two years of first and appeal instance of London arbitration despite the fact that sum of our client claims was only 150.000 USD which is rather small to the arbitration measures. Our opponents was the group of English lawyers specialised in the international traade field.

Ivan Kasynyuk who dealt with this case, mentioned that: "The process was notable for its complexity and demanded the analysis of the vast array of the English courts precedent practice. Initially the respondents objected the jurisdiction aiming at recognizing the Gafta tribunal as the incompetent body regarding considering this claim in view of arbitration clause absence. But there were the arrangements of the parties on transfering any dispute to the concrete arbitration. Receiving the arbitration refusal, further the respondents tried to recognise the contract as invalid, requesting making the amendments (rectification of contract) to the sufficient contract provisions, which in fact could influence on the case outcome. Finally after more than two years of proceedings, appelation instance of Gafta confirmed lawfulness of our clients demands satisfying them in full".
